Senin, 24 Mei 2010

Green Leaf Threshing

Generally, rajangan (cut rag) tobacco  can be classified to 3 (three),there are :
1.     Fine Cut   
2.     Broad Cut
3.     Sugary      
Process of tobacco rajangan differentiated by 2 kinds of, there are :
a.     Un-Clean Tobacco (UCT), there isn’t limit maximum Stem in Lamina (SIL)
b.    Clean Tobacco (CT), there is limit maximum Stem in Lamina (SIL)

Process the tobacco need the supporter material besides raw material tobacco to be processed, that is :
1.     Buffer Stock is available tobacco amount in the process location of before processed into machine process where this supply have to last for processed during 1 (one) day and remember the available place limitation, so have to be reckoned by a machine capacities per day, while amount of stock tobacco have to as according to composition to be processed. Therefore, tobacco request from receiving have to be based on grade tobacco to be processed as according to blending composition
2.     Carton Box is package of tobacco in form of hardboard or box consisted of 3 (three) layer : top, bottom and standing layer. This package just to export the tobacco, the type is consisted of the C48 and C45.

Process the mixing of grade of rajangan tobacco or blending conducted at SILO, difference with process blending of krosok tobacco where process of mixing of grade tobacco (blending) conducted at feeding table. At GRS (Green Receiving Storage), tobacco pack (bale) have been compiled as according to composition blend of prepared rack so that buffer stock omit arranged the way of entered tobacco to conveyor feeding as according to required composition blend.

A.    Rajangan Line of GLT 01
Generally, the machine at GLT 01 used to process the tobacco of Sugary and Fine Cut. Tobacco from buffer stock entering the feeding conveyor according to capacities of feed rate machine per hour. To maximize the tobacco decomposition conducted cutting of bale tobacco according to machine specification named by Vertical Bale Slicer machine. 
Afterwards tobacco entered into conditioning machine for the condition of MC (moisture content) and its temperature. At this conditioning machine, tobacco heated or boosted up temperature and moisture content (MC) by using steam which go out from pins in Conditioning machine, so that tobacco easier than decomposed and not broken when entering opener.

At the process of Fine Cut tobacco, after tobacco go out from conditioning machine, tobacco do not step into the machine thresher (by pass), however tobacco overcome at the long band conveyor and then tobacco step into the SILO. While at the process of Sugary and Broad Cut tobacco, tobacco have to passing Opener or Thresher machine for the dissociation of lamina and stem. Before that, tobacco overcome at Auto Feeder which there are Doffer for arrange the tobacco volume and smoothing down the tobacco at auto feeder conveyor. So that rajangan tobacco do not Iump and more flatten, so tobacco passing Vibratory Conveyor and then tobacco go to the distributor conveyor to be divided to three picking table where there are worker take the NTRM. After from the picking table, tobacco is ready for entering Opener.
Process the dissociation lamina from stem bits rajangan conducted by 3 level (stage), there are :
Stage 1
            After passing 3 picking tables, tobacco mixed become one and passing vibratory conveyor which smoothing down and dividing tobacco step into 2 machines Opener 60". Initially Opener only function to elaborate the tobacco material. However, at process of tobacco CT, the Opener also function to dissociate the lamina and stem because using 2 kinds of basket that is diamond and round basket. After tobacco go out from opener, tobacco dissociated between light and heavy material by CFS (Counter Flow Separator) and VLS (Vertical Leaf Separator). Light material which is in the form of lamina go to the long band conveyor, while heavy material go to next process.
Stage 2.
Heavy material which go out from CFS stage 1 step into the Opener 48", and then dissociated between light and heavy by one CFS. Light material which is in the form of lamina go to long band conveyor, while heavy material go to next process.
Stage 3
Heavy material which go out from CFS stage 2 step into the machine Opener 48" which then dissociated again between light and heavy material use the Vertical Leaf Separator (VLS). This function VLS is the same as CFS but form the construction is different, VLS don't have the secondary winnower and wind blowing do not come from one side, however wind come from right and left side, so that wind meet in the middle, then wind blowing up. Light material (lamina) entering to the long band conveyor, and heavy material dissociates to be bits stem product.

Lamina tobacco which come from long band conveyor, then entering the SILO for tobacco mixing process or blending, different from the krosok tobacco: blending process done at feeding table. After tobacco go out from SILO, the tobacco material passing the vibrotory sieving which have the screen to dissociate the harsh dust from lamina tobacco. Afterwards, tobacco passing the appliance which named ARGUS. This Argus have collour censor and laser to detect the existence of NTRM in tobacco. Tobacco material which free from the NTRM will be distribute to Auto Feeder while other tobacco which have NTRM will be dissociated by Argus through conveyor that pass picking table, where there are worker take the NTRM. Then, tobacco re-overcome through to Argus joint with the lamina tobacco from SILO to be detected again the existence of NTRM. After tobacco free from NTRM entering Auto Feeder, tobacco passing Mattering tube to adjust flow rate speed between Auto feeder and Weighing conveyor.
Mattering Tube consisted of 3 (three) censor the Photo Electric (PE) there are : Up, Middle and Bottom, functioning to arrange the speed of flow rate at Auto Feeder and Weighing Conveyor. If censor PE bottom closed over by the tobacco, so weighing conveyor and auto feeder will run normal. When censor PE middle closed, so speed conveyor of auto feeder run slowly while weighing conveyor remain to run normal. If top censor PE Up closed, so conveyor of auto feeder will off while weighing conveyor still run normally. Weighing Conveyor will off if tobacco weight at weighing conveyor under setting point which have been determined.

At weighing conveyor, tobacco deliberated, before entering into TCL Dryer. then tobacco entering the TCL Dryer, tobacco to be MC conditioned  and the temperature as according to product specification. Then, tobacco passed to vibratory sieving to be dissociated between TFD, TFS and dust. The fines (TFD and TFS) entered into box and deliberated according to weight which have been determined, while dust entered into colly. Tobacco material which free from dissociated the fines and dust then passing to the conveyor to packing process.
The next phase, tobacco ready pack in a C48 carton box which weight have been determined using fishburne press. Tobacco in the box, re-deliberated use the re-weighing conveyor and then tobacco pressed again use the holding press. Box passing to Auto strapping machine to be bound and then entering Box rotator to be tested by the density box. Box heaped at palet use the Outomatic Bale Stacker
Fines dan Bits Stem
            At Rajangan Line GLT 01, there does not have stem dryer machine and fines screw dryer so that bits stem which produce at GLT 01 usually packed in sack or colly. While at fines product at GLT 01, fines separated by product of lamina rajangan at the time of tobacco coming out from Annular Dryer machine, so that possibility dry and fines (TFD and TFS) packed in C48 carton box depended from tobacco type and kinds of process (CT or UCT).

B.    Rajangan Line of GLT 02
            Tobacco from buffer stock entering the feeding conveyor (2 line) according to capacities of feed rate machine per hour. To maximize the tobacco decomposition conducted cutting of bale tobacco according to specification of Vertical Bale Slicer machine. Then tobacco from 2 line of feeding conveyor mixed become one passing weighing conveyor where the conveyor arrange the feed rate tobacco which step into the JCC every hour (kg/hour). Then tobacco step into the Jet Conditioning Cylinder (JCC) to be improve the tobacco material moisture content (MC) and its temperature so that tobacco more decomposed and do not broken when tobacco entering the lossening and classifying process. At this JCC machine, tobacco heated or boosted up temperature and moisture content (MC) by using steam which go out from pins in JCC machine.
 Tobacco which have been decomposed, after exit from JCC then passing vibro conveyor to facilitating distribution conveyor in dividing tobacco to 5 picking table. At Picking table, there are worker take the foreign matter (NTRM) and off blend tobacco. Others, there are a Velcro roller at the end of picking table to dissociate the NTRM, for example string/gunny rope and plastic.
Then, tobacco mixed to become one at the conveyor passing metal detector which its function to detect metal in the tobacco material. If the metal detected on tobacco, so conveyor will return the direction and tobacco go out trought conveyor and detected again by metal detector (B) and metal will fall and cleaned by worker. If tobacco which have been detected by metal detector (B) and there isn't metal element, tobacco will passed by again at metal detector (A) and conveyor run normally go to auto feeder.

Auto feeder consist of Bundle Buster and Doffer. This bundle buster have not basket, there are iron claws contrary rotatory and its rotation speed different. Bundle Buster function just to elaborate the tobacco, and then tobacco pass to auto feeder conveyor where that conveyor have a Doffer to arrange the material volume and smooth down tobacco.

Then, tobacco deliberated again use the weighing conveyor to stabilize the feed rate before tobacco entering to String Removal machine. The function of String Removal is to dissociate the tobacco from plastic or string (NTRM). Then tobacco ready for stepping into thresher machine.

Rajangan  Line GLT 02 have 4 stage the thresher process , there are :
Stage 1
            Tobacco divided to become 2 by flow splitter machine and each step entering 2 thresher machine to be decomposed because thresher in stage 1 do not attached the basket. Tobacco from result of threshing from 2 thresher machine then join and enter break evenly to 4 (four) Counter Flow Separator (CFS) to be dissociated between light and heavy material. Light material (lamina) go to long band conveyor, while heavy tobacco material go to the next thresher stage.

Stage 2
            Heavy Tobacco material from first stage incoming the flow splitter machine to be divided to 2 thresher machine. At this stage done by dissociation lamina from the stem bits, and then tobacco result from threshing dissociated between light and heavy material break evenly through 3 (three) Counter Flow Separator (CFS) machine. Light material incoming the long band conveyor, while heavy material entering the next stage of thresher machine
Stage 3
            Heavy material from second stage entering to 1 (one) thresher machine. At this stage done by dissociation lamina from the stem bits, and then tobacco result from threshing dissociated between light and heavy material through 1 (one) Counter Flow Separator (CFS). Light material step into the long band conveyor, while heavy material entering the next stage of thresher machine.
Stage 4
            Heavy material from third stage entering to 1 (one) thresher machine. At this stage done by dissociation lamina from the stem bits and then tobacco result from threshing dissociated between light and heavy material use 1 (one) Multi Separator. The light material step into the long band conveyor while heavy material (bits stem) passing vibro conveyor and then the bits stem was pulled use the air legg go to the stem dryer.
Vibro conveyor also have 2 air legg that pull out fines and flag stem which still be followed at bits stem. One of air legg that pulling flag stem return coming to the thresher stage 4, while the other air legg go to the fines dryer joint with fines from vibro sieving before SILO.
Lamina tobacco on long band conveyor then passed vibro sieving to dissociate the fines from product lamina, then tobacco enter the SILO (2 kind) for mixing process (blending). The filling 2 kind of SILO usually step by step that is 1 SILO per operation. After exit from SILO, tobacco passing to 2 (two) ARGUS to be checked and dissociating NTRM at tobacco. Tobacco free NTRM direct go to auto feeder, while tobacco which still contain the NTRM overcome to picking table where there are worker take the NTRM. And then tobacco that checked again by LS 9000 and still contain NTRM, so knocked down and cleaned manually by worker, while tobacco which not contain the NTRM overcome again at conveyor which is passing ARGUS.

Tobacco free NTRM have been passed into auto feeder then arranged the flow rate use the mettering tube and deliberated use the weighing conveyor. Afterwards, tobacco passing vibro conveyor entered to Annular Dryer. At annular dryer, tobacco dried with MC and temperature according to lamina product specification to aging process.

After exit from annular dryer, tobacco overcome by vibro conveyor go to the Fishburne Press (2 machine). The fishburne press function is to pack the tobacco in carton box with specified weight. Through the transfer car, tobacco weight accomodated again by re-weighing. Afterwards, tobacco has press to more compressed again by holding press machine, and then box bound overcomely of Automatic Strapping machine. With Automatic bale stacker, carton box heaped by 3 heap box and put at palet. At the certain time before box heaped at the palet, box turned around 180 degress using Box Rotator to be analysed by CDCV (case density coefisien of varians).
            Fines from vibro sieving of before entering SILO and fines from air legg at bits stem dried at fines screw dryer. Then fines overcome at vibro sieving to dissociate the TFD and TFS. The TFD and TFS accomodated or packing use the C48 box and deliberated by a determinate weight
            Bits Stem result from of threshing stage 4 then pulled by air legg and entering to mini  auto feeder. Bits Stem arranged by speed of the flow rate use the mettering tube that have 3 photo electric (PE) and deliberated to use the weighing conveyor. Later, bits passing vibro conveyor entering into the stem dryer. After exit from stem dryer, bits stem passed to vibro conveyor and go to the picking table where there are worker to take the NTRM at bits stem. And then, bits stem overcome at vibro sieving for separated between bits stem M, bits stem B and Dust. The Bits Stem M and B deliberated with determinate weight and ready pack to use the C48 box, while Dust use the Colly.

Packing Fines dan Bits Stem
            Fines And Bits stem which have packing in C48 box deliberated again (re-weighing) and press use the holding press “Weidmuller”, then C48 box bound use Auto Strapping. After bound, Box heaped use the Automatic Bale Stacker.